«Элоквенции не обучен» Федор Эмин как «соавтор» Матвея Комарова

2017. № 6, 74-80

М. Ю. Осокин, кандидат филологических наук, Москва



The article is about the language program of Matvei Komarov, an educated servant who put his name on the prefaces of «The Story of the Thief Vanka Kain»
(1779) and «The Tale of the Adventures of the English Milord George and the Brandenburg Margravine Frederika Louisa» (1782) – the most popular novel which was widely read between XVIII and XX centuries. His role as the editor of these manuscripts was far below what it used to be thought. Some interpolations which gave the literary quality to the narrative were borrowed from the popular novels by Fedor Emin «Inconstant Fortune, or the Adventure of Miramond» (1763) and «Rewarded Constancy, or the Adventures of Lizark and Sarmanda» (1764).