Concept “One” in Russian Speech Culture

2020. № 2, 18-30

Natalia A. Bure1, Olga V. Sukhanova2, Saint-Petersburg State University
(Russia, Saint-Petersburg), nataly.bure@gmail.com1, ovslr51@mail.ru2


The article analyzes means of representing the concept “one” in Russian
texts. Concepts as phenomenon of mental world can be represented by
a word, a phrase, a sentence or a text. Concept “one” is considered through
the prism of the universal and national-ethnic culture. The main conceptual
category is the linguistic picture of the world. The conceptualization
of the reality is associated with cognitive categories and language aspects,
its lexical and semantic resources, grammatical semantics and semantics of
speech parts. Complex analysis of lexical units allows to establish relations
between the form and the content. Actualization of the conceptual content
of the language unit is determined by personal cognitive activity asso ciated
with the language as a knowledge instrument. The idea of combining the
representation units of the concept “one”, based on their semantics and
Н. А. Буре, О. В. Суханова. Концепт один в русской речевой культуре
N. A. Bure, O. V. Sukhanova. Concept “One” in Russian Speech Culture
Русская речь • № 02 | 2020
Russian Speech No. 02 | 2020 Issues of Modern Russian Language
Проблемы современного русского языка
functioning in speech, is implemented in the structuring of the fi eld. The
center of the fi eld is represented by the lexical unit “one”, while its periphery
— by the secondary words derived from it.
The research is aimed at studying the fi gurative meanings of the fi eld units
with invariant “one”.
Sources for the study material: Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great
Russian Language by V. I. Dal, English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary by
A. V. Kunin, Small Encyclopedic Dictionary, Dictionary of the Russian Language
by S. I. Ozhegov, Comprehensive Dictionary of Russian Rhymes. Dictionary
of Russian Synonyms by N. Abramov, Reference Dictionary of the
Russian Language: Spelling, Pronunciation, Stress, Word Formation, Morphemics,
Grammar, Word-Usage Frequency by A. N. Tikhonov and E. N. Tikhonova,
Etymological Dictionary of the Russian language by M. Fasmer,
Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian language by A. I. Molotkova, Russian
National Corpus.