География литературы в творчестве П.Н. Савицкого

2018. № 1, 25-33

О. В. НИКИТИН, доктор филологических наук


The article examines the work of the famous historian and Eurasian, one of the largest figures of Russian 6migr£ culture RN. Savitsky. His heritage represents not only ethnological materials, but artistic: he showed himself as an original poet and literary critic, who created his concept of the history of Russian literature. Its principle was that a scientist had determined «metadata» of text depending on the geographical landscape of literature, toponymy and even oikonymy of sources of artistic material and affiliation of authors to a certain area. Published archival discoveries give an idea of the essence of the philological and historical- ethnological ideas by P.N. Savitsky and their role in the development of the theory of verbal culture of the XXth century.