Стилистические и жанровые особенности интернет-комментариев

2018. № 1, 63-68

Л.Т. КАСПЕРОВА, кандидат филологических наук


There is no unambiguous approach to the definition of Online comments as a genre phenomenon in modem science. A number of scholars consider it to be a separate genre, some scholars believe it to be a genre form, others — a component of other genres. The article suggests the main features of this genre: 1) Presence of prototext (and therefore, intertextuality) or protosituation (personality of the author or his/her own associations are commented rather than the text itself); 2) Evaluativity (open and/or hidden); 3) Dialogicality (dialogue, internal dialogue, claim for dialogue); 4) Subjective modality; 5) Relative laconism; 6) Lack of a given structure. The author considers five types of online comments (analysis, emotional responses, associative comment, co-creation, and mixed type comments).