Using School Dialect Dictionaries in Russian Language Classes

2019. № 5, 116-128

Elena V. Korpechkova, Vinogradov Russian Language Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences)
(Russia, Moscow),


Nowadays there exist several dialect dictionaries adapted for school
students. These include: “The dictionary of Estonian Old Believers’ Dialect”
by O. N. Palikova and O. G. Rovnova, “Vologda Word: Dialect Dictionary for
School” by L.Y. Zorina and “School Dictionary of Amur Region Dialect” by
O. Y. Galuza, L. V. Kirpikova and N. P. Shenkevets. Another dialect dictionary
to be published is “School dictionary of Kuban Sub-dialects” by Kuban State
University’s staff members. The article reviews these dictionaries, discusses
structure and content requirements of a school dialect dictionary. In the
article we suggest several ways of using materials about dialect words in
Rus sian language classes at school and outside the classroom.