“Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data” as a Source for Creating a Galery of Phytoportraits and Phytosketches

2023. № 2, 7-20

Оlga G. Borisova1, Dariya A. Litvinenko2, 1Кuban State University, 2Krasnodar College of Music named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (Russia, Krasnodar), 1leliastom@mail.ru, 2unit-96@mail.ru


The article demonstrates the possibility to create multidimensional studies: phytosketches and phytoportraits, dedicated to the analysis of plant images on the basis of dictionary entries of “Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data”, which the author is currently working on. The article introduces a term and elaborates on its distinction from the term phytoportrait, as well as formulates their main parameters. We suggest a phytoportrait model, including the following headings: introduction, dialect names of a plant/tree/shrub in the Kuban dialects, hyper-hyponymic paradigm, dialect phytomorphonyms, etymology (including folk), word-formation nest, fi gurative potential of a phytonym, use in everyday life, application in medicine, rites and religious festivals, folklore and folkomens, connected to plants. The maximum and minimum number of headings for each genre is indicated. The article shows the expediency of including illustrative material into the phytoportraits and phytosketches, which are either recordings of dialect speakers’ live speech, presented by means of low-literate writing, or illustrative examples from ethnographic materials, the orthography of the source being preserved. The article presents one phytosketch “Zinnia” and phytoportrait “Pumpkin”, which describe the realia of the Kuban fl ora and their dialectal names.

For citation:

Borisova О. G., Litvinenko D. A. “Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data” as a Source for Creating a Galery of Phytoportraits and Phytosketches. Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 7–20. DOI: 10.31857/S013161170025479-5.