National Dictionary Fund: New Opportunities and Prospects

2024. № 4, 34-41

Maria L. Kalenchuk

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow)


On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, we have started working on the creation of the National Dictionary Fund (NDF). NDF is a digital resource that contains electronically recorded data on the functioning of the norms of the Russian language from various dictionaries. The development of NDF is due to the need to create a single, complete body of scientific knowledge, reliable and objective information about the norms of the Russian language in their current state and historical dynamics in a certain era of its development, as well as the history of the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language from the time of its appearance to the present day. The system of Russian dictionaries will be integrated into a single network operating in a continuous development mode and representing an interactive dynamic model of the lexical system of the modern Russian language. It is supposed to have open access to information through a convenient digital tool with simple navigation. The NDF will be equipped with linguistic markup and an online search system for necessary information. NDF will offer the user not only the opportunity to see the information from a particular dictionary, but will also provide an expertly developed tool for extracting various types of language information from dictionaries.

For citation:

Kalenchuk M. L. National Dictionary Fund: New Opportunities and Prospects. Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 34–41. DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724040037.