On some Cases of Phrasemal Derivation of Nouns in Language and Speech of the Second Half of the 19th Century (Based on Epistolary Texts of Russian Writers)

2024. № 4, 79-89

Yuliya G. Zakharova

Pacific State University (Russia, Khabarovsk)



The article explores the phenomenon of phrasal derivation in the second half of the 19th century based on the letters of A. I. Herzen, I. S. Turgenev, A. P. Chekhov, as well as other sources. We provide a definition of the phraseoderivational (multi-level) nest concept – an intersystem formation that includes a phraseological unit and its lexical derivatives, created in different ways and ordered by the relations of formal-semantic derivation at a certain period of time. The basis of the semantic unity of such a nest is a common meaning condensed in the original phraseological unit, while the basis of structural unity is the presence of at least one component (the basis of the component) of the generating phraseological unit in all derivatives. We consider 1) the phenomenon of lexical-phraseological condensation (implication of a component) in phraseological units with the reference word khoduli, Lazar', and also trace the formation of derivatives in connection with the formation of a new meaning of the noun; 2) a method of agglutination of components of qualitative-adverbial phraseological units with suffixation (based on combinations bez pardona, ot sebya); 3) an occasional method of adding bases (components of phraseological units and affixoids).

For citation:

Zakharova Yu. G. On Some Cases of Phrasemal Derivation of Nouns in Language and Speech of the Second Half of the 19th Century (Based on Epistolary Texts of Russian Writers). Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 4. Pp. 79–89. DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724040075.