Russian Speech. 2024. No. 5

Issues of Modern Russian Language
Issues of Modern Russian Language
Elena V. Marinova, Zelenin A. V.
Discourse Complex i da ‘and yes’ as a Dialogue Actualizer in Modern Russian Speech
7 - 19
Shmelev A. D
A “Naïve” Perception of Punctuation Marks
20 - 33
From the History of the Russian Language
From the History of the Russian Language
Aleksandr G. Kravetsky, Svetlana M. Kusmaul', Ekaterina A. Mishina, Alexandra A. Pletneva
Textual Studies of the Era of Big Data and Neural Networks
34 - 47
Lev A. Trakhtenberg
N. M. Karamzin’s Notes to D. I. Fonvisin’s Letter — a Reply in the Debate about Language
48 - 60
Язык художественной литературы
Язык художественной литературы
Igor’ A. Vinogradov
Фамильные «паспорта» комедии Н. В. Гоголя «Женитьба»
61 - 71
Anastasia V. Kruglova, Olga S. Smirnova
Localization and Pauses Duration in Russian Iambic Tetrameter in the Poetry of A. S. Pushkin
72 - 83
Olga A. Meshcheryakova, Ul’yana I. Turko
The Polysemy of the Lexeme “bread” and its Functioning in the Russian Folk Riddle
84 - 95
Natalia A. Nikolina, Zoya Yu. Petrova, Natalia A. Fateeva
Scientific Terms as a Part of Comparative Tropes of Modern Russian Prose
96 - 107
Olga A. Selemeneva
“I Desire to Live and Live... Thousands of Other Lives”: Multimythologism in I. A. Bunin’s Onomastic Code
108 - 118
Oleg I. Fedotov “Hunting to Die Looking at the Epoch...” (On the “Shakespeare Sonnet” by A. Voznesensky)
119 - 127