Natalja V. Patroeva
Natalja V. Patroeva. V. K. Trediakovsky's Syntax in the Aspect of Some Trends in the Development of Russian Literary Language and Poetic Language
Russian Speech. 2025. № 1, Pages. 83 - 97
Natalja V. Patroeva. Book Review: Dictionary of Proper Names in Russian Riddles, Proverbs, Sayings and Idioms (on a New Book of M. L. Kovshova)
Russian Speech. 2022. № 4, Pages. 118 - 128
Natalja V. Patroeva. Review: “Dictionary of the Language of the Twentieth Century Russian Poetry”. Volume VIII: Smola — Tolsch
Russian Speech. 2020. № 4, Pages. 105 - 110
Natalja V. Patroeva. Reduplication of Pronouns in Lyrical Text: Syntactic and Linguo-Poetic Interpretation
Russian Speech. 2019. № 4, Pages. 91 - 102