«Подвизася на брани...» Образ Василька Константиновича Ростовского в Степенной книге

2018. № 5, 56-61

Е. А. Андреева, кандидат филологических наук, ИМЛИ им. А.М. Горького РАН


In this article the author writes about composition «The suffering of prince Vasilko Rostovskiy» included into Stepennaya book. Vasilko Konstantinovich was
one of the first old Russian princes who was martyred by members of the Horde. The last days of his life, his captivity, the death, the invention of the reliquiae and
funeral in Rostov are described in the martyrology. The prince is characterised as a brave fighter and a wise governor. Vasilko Rostovskij's action (his rejection
of suссumbing to an enemy in order to save his life) became an act to follow.