Metaphorical Reinterpretation of Trendy Words (On the Material of Russian and Chinese Languages)

2021. № 3, 60-66

Yi Liqun

Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia, Moscow)


The article deals with trendy words and one of the main semantic processes affecting trendy words – metaphorical reinterpretation of fashion words, which is activated in the vocabulary of modern Russian and Chinese languages. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of trendy words not in the context of their dictionary meanings, but in the context of semantic reinterpretation. Speakers of modern Russian and Chinese have common experience and perception, which leads to similar metaphorical reinterpretation of some trendy words.  The relevance of this article is determined by the study of the language fashion, which is the subject of discussion in the Russian-speaking scientific community. The originality of the article  lay in the author’s own observations and comparison of the Russian and Chinese languages. The article gives classification of different types of metaphors in the context of their semantic reinterpretation. The author gives examples based on the results of the study in two languages. The study of trendy words is not only very relevant at present time, but also promising from the point of view of various aspects: cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, pragmatics, etc. The article is of interest to specialists and can be used in works devoted to similar topics.

For citation:

Yi Liqun. Metaphorical Reinterpretation of Trendy Words (On the Material of Russian and Chinese Languages). Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2021. No. 3. Pp. 60–66. DOI: 10.31857/S013161170015453-7