Hypo-hyperonymic Relations in the Vocabulary of the Standard Russian Language as Compared to the Vocabulary of Everyday Speech (with Respect to Nouns Denoting People)

2022. № 3, 19-30

Elena G. Zhidkova,

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow)



The article deals with the question of whether there are any differences between hypo-hyperonymic relations (species-genus relations) in the vocabulary of everyday speech and the vocabulary of the standard language. The study is based on the lexical material of two academic dictionaries, “The Explanatory dictionary of Russian everyday speech” (ed. by L. P. Krysin) and “The Russian semantic dictionary” (ed. by N. Yu. Shvedova), namely on the analysis of words denoting people, which constitute one of the largest lexical classes of nouns. These words were arranged into hierarchical groups that include nouns denoting a person by height and body type, and groups that include nouns denoting children. The groups have been considered in terms of their structure and content: the number of levels in groups, the number of subgroups at each level, the number of words in subgroups have been compared. The analysis has revealed instances of absence of hyperonyms in some groups, as well as instances when words with broad meaning belong to several groups at the same time. The data obtained make it possible to come to the conclusion that the hypo-hyperonymic structure of the Russian everyday speech groups is more complicated than the structure of the standard language groups.

For citation:

Zhidkova E. G. Hypo-hyperonymic Relations in the Vocabulary of the Standard Russian Language as Compared to the Vocabulary of Everyday Speech (with Respect to Nouns Denoting People). Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2022. No. 3. Pp. 19–30. DOI: 10.31857/S013161170020742-5.