Ambitious and Self-Sufficient, or the Change of Spiritual and Moral Paradigms

2024. № 2, 52-64

Elena V. Sen’ko, North Ossetian State University (Russia, Vladikavkaz),


Using the example of so-called fashionable words of the modern Russian language, the article examines the change in the meaning of vocabulary units that represent current fragments of the conceptual and pragmatic picture of the world. In connection with the ongoing process of globalization, the values of the Western world, often contrary to the national traditions of Russia, more and more often become fixed in Russian cultural and moral principles. The purpose of the article is to rethink the meaning of the words in the light of changes in Russian cultural and moral principles. It has been established that a perceived foreign concept is not always completely assimilated into the conceptual picture of the world of the recipient nation, remaining alien in relation to its specifics. In this regard, one can observe a kind of splitting of the meaning of the same words among different population groups of the same society. For example, different groups of speakers may attribute different evaluative meaning to these words. Thus, there is a conflict between the use of the word in a new meaning and traditional national images inherent in the Russian mentality. In turn, in a linguistic personality of a modern Russian person, who is aware of the traditional social ideal, but at the same time objectively fits into a new civilization, various contradictory ideas might clash together.

For citation:

Sen’ko E. V. Ambitious and Self-Suffi cient, оr the Change of Spiritual and Moral Paradigms. Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 2. Pp. 52–64. DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724020049.