The World Soul Monologue from the Play “The Seagull”: Toward the Issue of Transmutation Adequacy

2024. № 3, 103-114

Olga A. Chureyeva, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Russia, Simferopol,


The study is based on the material of the world soul monologue, embedded in Chekhov’s play The Seagull, and its intersemiotic translation, provided by the authors of the performance The Seagull, directed by Mark Zakharov in 2005. The study aims to examine the question under discussion in respect of the adequacy of intersemiotic translation relying on the analysis of the material. The research was carried out using methods of description and comparison, discourse analysis, as well as the method of functional analysis. It has been proven, that the interpretation of the Moscow State Theater Mark Zakharov's Lenkom is primarily based on the divergence of graphic and intonation parcelling. The deliberately violate the principles of the actual division of syntactic structures in the text of A. P. Chekhov and create parcellemes that are not conditioned by the syntax of the invariant text. It is emphasized that there is a number of translation deformation in the theatrical text. The conducted research allowed to reveal cases of the exclusion or substitution of the original text (omission or replacement of conjunctions, substitution of some punctuation) and the inclusion of elements that were originally absent in the monologue and introduced into it by the authors of the theatrical text (discursive words, clarifying word, assertives).

For citation:

Chureeva O A. The World Soul Monologue from the Play “The Seagull”: Toward the Issue of Transmutation Adequacy. Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 103–114. DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724030092.