Russian Speach. 2024. No. 3

Issues of Modern Russian Language
Issues of Modern Russian Language
Olga D. Parshina
The Precedent Phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke, v glush', v Saratov as a Linguoculturally Significant Reference to the Province
7 - 19
Elena E. Seregina
«What Dakha Gives – Vzyakha Vzyast»: Verbal Substantives in Russian Subdialects and Modern Poetry
20 - 32
Sergei D. Shelov, Tatiana D. Chetverikova
Once Again on the Term Characteristics as Parts of Speech
33 - 41
From the History of the Russian Language
From the History of the Russian Language
Tatiana S. Sadova
Letters of Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina in the Printed Manifesto of 1718
42 - 52
The Language of Fiction
The Language of Fiction
Anatoly V. Kulagin
Kulagin A. V. “Thoughtfully and Meekly”. Behind the Line of Okudzhava's Song “The Visiting Musician”
53 - 66
Surat I. Z.
Poetics of Semantics’ Broadening. Notes on O. Mandelstam’s Vocabulary
67 - 78
Mahrukh M. Taghiyeva
On Some Errors in the Translation into Azerbaijani of Dostoevsky’s Novel “Devils”
79 - 88
Marina V. Terekhova
Irony in the Epistles and Amphiguri of Antony Pogorelsky
89 - 102
Olga A. Chureyeva
The World Soul Monologue from the Play “The Seagull”: Toward the Issue of Transmutation Adequacy
103 - 114
В помощь изучающим русский язык
В помощь изучающим русский язык
Nadezhda K. Onipenko
Once Again about the Isolation of Prepositive Attributive Phrases
115 - 127