Tatyana L. Kolosovskaya. On the Components of the Conversational Comparative Evaluative Construction <kuda Х do Y>
Russian Speech. 2025. № 1, Pages. 37 - 51

Viсtoria A. Maryanchik, Larisa V. Popova. Blogery Takie Blogery (Bloggers Are Such Bloggers), Or About a New Phraseoscheme in Russian
Russian Speech. 2023. № 2, Pages. 70 - 82

Igor’ A. Sharonov. Comparative Construction “Kak Griazi” (Dime a Dozen, Lit. Like Dirt) in Diachronic Aspect
Russian Speech. 2023. № 5, Pages. 45 - 51

Yuliya S. Vinogradova, Valeriya O. Prokaeva, Elena I. Riekhakaynen. Not All Pauses are the Same: Multidimensional Classifi cation of Pauses for the Annotation of Russian Spoken Corpora
Russian Speech. 2023. № 6, Pages. 7 - 23

B. L. Iomdin, Dmitry A. Morozov. Who Can Understand “Dunno”? Automatic Assessment of Text Complexity in Children’s Literature
Russian Speech. 2021. № 5, Pages. 55 - 68

Alexei V. Bulannikov. History of the Word ‘Bomzh’ (‘Bum’)
Russian Speech. 2019. № 1, Pages. 18 - 36