Author Guidelines


It is necessary that all parties participating in the process of publication for the journal  Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech), including authors, reviewers, members of the editorial team and publisher, agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.

The publishing ethics and malpractice policies of the journal Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech) follow the relevant COPE guidelines (link In case  malpractice is suspected, journal editors will act in accordance with the guidelines.

1. Authorship and transparency

By submitting a paper, authors confirm their authorship of a submitted article. Authors should carefully check that all peer scientists who have contributed to the research or the article itself are acknowledged.  

Funding for any type of publication should be mentioned within the publication.

Authors must ensure that they clearly cite, reference and acknowledge all instances where they have used the work of others, including their own previously published articles and research material. Any form of plagiarism, including self plagiarism (redundant publication) will not be tolerated.

2. First publication and copyright

Original research articles submitted to Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech) must not have been published as copyrighted material elsewhere. Manuscripts under consideration by Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech) should not be submitted for review elsewhere. If an article uses research material, tables, images from another source, the author must seek permission to use that material and fully acknowledge the owner and/or copyright owner of that material.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree to accept the journal's copyright policy (see Copyright and License Statement). If the paper and materials connected to it are accepted for publication, the copyright belongs to the journal Russian Speech. The authors have a right for a non-commercial use of the article.

3. Dishonesty and libel

Authors must use their best endeavors to ensure that the material they submit contains no fictitious data, reference omissions, or false statements. In case a significant error or inaccuracy is discovered in the earlier published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. 

The authors should avoid the use of personal, critical, or disparaging remarks and accusations against fellow researchers, colleagues, or other individuals.

4. Peer-reviewing

Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone, but the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, or the publisher.

Reviewers must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research founders.

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. A reviewer should also call the editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.

5. Editors' responsibilities

Editors have sole right for acceptance or rejection of a manuscript. Manuscripts should be peer reviewed, however the editors may reject or accept it before the peer review for compelling reasons, e.g. the article is not appropriate for journal, clearly of poor quality, was previously published elsewhere, etc.

Editors should guarantee the quality of the papers and be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.

Editors should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they accept or reject.

Editors should preserve anonymity of reviewers.

Editors should ensure that all research material they publish complies to internationally accepted ethical guidelines.


The choice of reviewers lies within the competence of the journal advisory board. Every submitted article is evaluated by at least two members of the journal advisory board or external experts with relevant experience and expertise. 

On receiving the reviews the advisory board may decide that the article requires additional evaluation. After the article has been reviewed, the editors consider the experts’ opinions and decide if they will accept, reject, or request a substantial revision of the article.

The reviewing may take up to six months. The authors will receive full texts of the reviews, the editor’s decision whether it’s possible to publish the article and a list of any changes needed for the article to be accepted for publication.

If the manuscript requires substantial revision, the author must respond to the comments made by the reviewers and/or the editor, and resubmit the article as soon as possible. Usually the revised manuscript will be re-evaluated by the original reviewers.

The editorial board and the editorial office preserve the anonymity of reviewers and do not inform authors of the reviewers’ names (single blind peer review).

Upon receiving a negative response from the advisory board, the author can submit it to any other publisher.


1. Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Sheech) accepts papers written in Russian language, corresponding to the scientific profile of the journal. The articles must be previously unpublished cannot be under consideration by another journal.

2. Papers are chosen to be published on the basis of peer-reviewing and on the decision of the journal advisory board. Full texts of the reviews are forwarded to the authors along with the response of the advisory board.

3. All publications are fee-free for the authors.

4. Full text of the journal’s issues is published on the official website of the journal.

5. Before submitting a manuscript authors are required to check their submission’s compliance with the formatting requirements outlined in the General Manuscript Style Guide. After that it can be sent to the editors’ e-mail address If a non-standard font was used in the manuscript, please attach the font file to your message.

6. The covering letter should include the following information about the author: name, affiliation, country and city, phone number, e-mail address. Full mailing address is not needed because offprints of published papers are not sent to the authors. The author will receive their copy in PDF format by e-mail.

7. Rejected manuscripts are not sent back.

8. Reviews should be submitted along with a copy of a reviewed edition. At the request of the author, the book will be afterwards returned to them.


The articles are sent to ‘Russkaya Rech’ editorial via e-mail:

The articles, which have been previously sent to or published in other journals, as well as the materials that do not fit the topic of the journal or aren’t presented in accordance with the article submission rules will be declined. One must consider the popular science nature of the journal, meaning that the text must be written in a simple clear language and be free from abundant terminology. After the publication authors receive the electronic copies of their articles.

All the publications are free of charge.

When formatting the bibliography list please follow the pattern used in recent issues of the journal (2019-2020).

The general rules of presenting a scientific article

Section 1 is written in Russian:

- the authors (bold italics);

- the organization (italics);

- country, city (in brackets, italics);

- e-mail address (italics);

- name (semi-bold, uppercase letters, grant reference);

- abstract (150-250 words);

- key words (5-10).

Section 2 includes the information from Section 1 in Latin alphabet in the same sequence: authors (transliterated); the headline, abstract, key-words, the name of the organization, the address of the organization – translated into English.

Section 3 includes a full text of the article in Russian (not more than 20,000 typographical units), excluding references and the information from sections 1 and 2.

Section 4 contains references to Russian publications in Russian. References to the publications in other languages are written in the same language as the cited publication.

Section 5 includes a list of references with publications of Russian authors and authors from the other countries in Latin alphabet in a standardized way. 

Abstract submission regulations

There must be 150-250 words in the abstract (not less!). It must not contain contractions, footnotes or incomplete references. It is used in abstracts journals and data bases, hence it has to be substantial, informative and understandable without the article it describes. The abstract must not be translated into Russian word by word. We recommend to use active voice instead of the passive: «The study tested», not «It was tested in this study».

References submission regulations

The reference list is placed after the article, the references must be in alphabetical order. The same list of references has to be transcribed in Latin alphabet and placed below. The proper headline in English is 'References'. In case the article is written in English the References are required to be in Latin alphabet only.

The list of references is presented acording to the State Standard Р 7.0.5–2008. The intertextual references are presented according to this template: [Ivanov 1999: 36–38].