The Precedent Phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke, v glush', v Saratov as a Linguoculturally Significant Reference to the Province

2024. № 3, 7-19

Olga D. Parshina, Togliatti State University (Russia, Togliatti),


The paper discusses the functional and semantic features of the precedent phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke, v glush', v Saratov in the Russian language culture when referring to the province. The pragmatics of the phenomenon is related to its component structure reduction. Two and three-component transforms prevail over the initial four-component collocation. The changes in the precedent phenomenon structure may be accompanied by the compositional switch, and changes in their grammar features. Under any transformation, the semantic centre glush’ stays the same. This is due to the zone of the Golden Ratio, which falls on the third component of the initial collocation. The precedent phenomenon and its transforms actively function in the strong textual positions of the title, the first and the last sentence of the text or the paragraph. In such a case, the three-component transforms undergo modal transforms within the framework of the variable interpretation of reality. Two-component transforms serve as a basis for a problem segmentation, which enables the problem to be defined and the situation to be described. The semantic features of the precedent phenomenon are represented by the range of the contextually relevant meanings as well as by the inclusion in the opposition “capital – province”. The precedent phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke, v glush', v Saratov is used for different language games, such as analytical formations and contamination.

For citation:

Parshina O D. The Precedent Phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke,
v glush’, v Saratov as a Linguoculturally Signifi cant Reference to the Pro vince. Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 7–19. DOI: 10.31857/S0131611724030011.