Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2023, 1 Natal’ya V. Nikolenkova, Ding Qiang The Uppercase Rule as a Peripheral Zone of Russian Orthography 66-76
2023, 1 Mariya M. Kharchenko On Some of Unsolved Modern Punctuation Issues 77-87
2023, 1 Ul’yana I. Turko The History of Spelling Prefi xes with -z, -s in the Pre-reform Period 88-102
2023, 1 Il'ya A. Aleksandrov Mythopoetic Space of Banya in Poems of B. A. Slutsky and V. S. Vysotsky 103-113
2023, 1 Karina A. Zhulkova, Viktoria V. Nikultseva The Reminiscence of the Periphrasis “On the Banks of the Neva” in the Memoirs of Irina Odoevtseva 114-127
2022, 6 Olga V. Antonova Variants of Stress in Russian Language: Codification and Usage (page, pan, parterre) 7-21
2022, 6 Alexei V. Balakhonov, Dmitrij I. Pankov, Yuri I. Stroev, Leonid P. Churilov Zoological Metaphor in Medical Terminology 22-37
2022, 6 A. Л. Голованевский, Natalya V. Troshina The Semantics of the Russian Word Tuda-Syuda: A Corpus-Based Research 38-49
2022, 6 Anna V. Zanadvorova Poleznaya Dryan’ (‘Useful Rubbish’) and Tsennaya Fignya (‘Valuable Garbage’). On Some Cases of Changing the Assessment in Informal Colloquial Speech 50-62
2022, 6 Maria L. Kalenchuk Professional Pronunciation Variants: Myths and Reality 63-70
2022, 6 Evgenij A. Balashov Some Features of the Use of the Word Poslednij (‘Last’) in the Russian Language of the 18th–19th Centuries 71-80
2022, 6 Olga I. Severskaya Komar ‘Mosquito’ as an Inspirator and Co-author of G. R. Derzhavin, A. Parschikov, Yu. Arabov 81-93
2022, 6 Olga A. Selemeneva Landscape Syntax in I. A. Bunin’s Cycle “The Bird’s Shadow” 94-105
2022, 6 Irina I. Fougeron Kartsevsky at the Beginning of His Scientifi c Career (Based on Archive Materials) 106-116
2022, 6 Vladimir I. Zaika, Oleg V. Nikitin COVID-19, Who Could Expect This! (On the “Dictionary of the Russian Language in the Coronavirus Era”) 117-128
2022, 5 Maria M. Voznesenskaya Ushi (‘Ears’) in Russian Phraseology 7-25
2022, 5 Alexander B. Letuchiy, Marina Dzhonova Ways of the Marking of the Animate Participant with Predicatives in Russian and Bulgarian 26-46
2022, 5 Elena A. Nikishina Discursive Markers-Regulators of Communication (po)slušaj, (po)smotri, (po)stoj and Their Usage Characteristics 47-63
2022, 5 Vera I. Podlesskaya, Nikolay A. Korotaev “Étu... kak ejo... perepisku Éngelsa s etim... kak ego, djavola... s Kautskim” — A Case Study of a Placeholder in Russian 64-78
2022, 5 Dzmitry M. Sudnik Lacuna of the Pictogram Letter Register 79-87