Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2023, 3 Yana E. Akhapkina A Forgotten Idiom with the Meaning of Measure and Degree 21-39
2023, 3 Elena V. Generalova Muzhnyaya Zhena and Divo Divnoe: from the History of Pleonastic Combinations in Russian Language 40-54
2023, 3 Alexandra A. Pletneva Jester Names: Lubok Characters Farnos, Gonos and Yeralash 55-67
2023, 3 Tatiana S. Sadova, Dmitrii V. Rudnev Rukoprikladstvo (‘Manhandling’): from ‘Handwritten Signature’ to ‘Beating’ 68-79
2023, 3 Oleg A. Lekmanov Father and His Family (Genre Originality of L. Petrushevskaya’s Story “The New Robinsons”, 1989) 80-86
2023, 3 Ol’ga V. Mar’ina, Irina N. Ostrovskikh Quoting as a Refl ection Technique in K. D. Vorobyov’s Novella “Here Comes the Giant...” 87-101
2023, 3 Pavel Uspenskij “They Don’t Choose the Times...”: an Essay on Alexander Kushner’s Doxa and Paradoxes (Idiomatics and Ideology) 102-116
2023, 3 Olga A. Chureyeva Transmutation as a Tool of Dramatic Text Interpretation 117-127
2023, 2 Оlga G. Borisova, Dariya A. Litvinenko “Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data” as a Source for Creating a Galery of Phytoportraits and Phytosketches 7-20
2023, 2 Maria L. Kalenchuk Is There a Phenomenon of Colloquial Stress? 21-28
2023, 2 Tatiana N. Korobeynikova Phraseological Units From Orthoepic Point of View: Stress Variation and Norm Change 29-42
2023, 2 Tatyana V. Leontyeva, Anna V. Shchetinina Ya Oru s Tebya (“I Yell of You”): A New Guise of a Well-known Verb 43-55
2023, 2 Elena V. Marinova What Has Changed Za Eti Paru Desyatkov Let (‘Over These Two Couples of Decades’) in the Agreement? 56-69
2023, 2 Viсtoria A. Maryanchik, Larisa V. Popova Blogery Takie Blogery (Bloggers Are Such Bloggers), Or About a New Phraseoscheme in Russian 70-82
2023, 2 Maria A. Bobunova “Shchyogol” and “Shchap” in Russian Folklore 83-93
2023, 2 Lyudmila V. Popova The Image of an Ideal Russian Official Reflected in the Legislative Language and National Culture 94-105
2023, 2 Anna V. Sakharova “Blagorastvoreniye”: Ancient Natural Philosophy in the Church Slavonic Hymnography 106-119
2023, 1 Altana D. Bazarzhapova Verevochnaya or Covidnaya Istoria: Desemantization of the Word Istoria in Different Discourse Types 7-20
2023, 1 Sergey V. Knyazev Khlebo, Kresto and Payoko in Arkhangel’sk Dialects: Are they Conditioned by Phonetics? Russian Speech = Russkaya Rech’. 2023. No. 1. Pp. 21–44. 21-44
2023, 1 Grigorii E. Kreidlin, Shmeleva E. Ya. Paralanguage in Natural Language Texts 45-65