Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2022, 1 Alexey E. Tsumarev, Larisa L. Shestakova Grammatical Description of Religious Vocabulary in a Modern Explanatory Dictionary 35-49
2022, 1 Olga N. Charykova, Nataliya V. Fedotova Coronaviral Discourse as a Source of Increased Military Methaphorization 50-60
2022, 1 Irina A.Gorbushina On the Origin of the Russian Kuter’ma 61-70
2022, 1 Aleksandr G. Kravetsky Capital or Lowercase Letters? The History of Orthography Practices in the 17th and 18th Centuries 71-81
2022, 1 Alexey A. Kretov “Utro Vechera Mudrenee?” (Is the Morning Wiser Than the Evening?) 82-89
2022, 1 Yuliya G. Zakharova Foreign Language Vocabulary in the A. P. Chekhov’s Letters 90-105
2022, 1 Natalia A. Nikolina, Zoya Yu. Petrova, Н.А. ФАТЕЕВА Comparative Structures and Narration Composition in Modern Russian Prose 106-118
2022, 1 В. Б. Касевич, Ю. А. Клейнер, N. D. Svetozarova In the Service of the Russian Language and Russia's Scholarship (Lyudmila Alekseevna Verbitskaya) 119-127
2021, 6 Maria V. Bobrova Zavarnichek, the Son of Chainik, of the Nazar’s Breed: Refl ection of People’s Kinship Ties in Contemporary Nicknames 7-18
2021, 6 Elena I. Golanova Word and Image 19-30
2021, 6 Sergey V. Knyazev On a Case of Complete Lag Dissimilation in Modern Standard Russian 31-49
2021, 6 Anna R. Pestova Change in the Stylistic Status of Derogatory Words Based on Lexicographic and Corpus Data 50-68
2021, 6 Tatiana S. Sadova Рoetic “Charm” of Bureaucratic Cliché: Nenuzhnoe Zacherknut’ 69-76
2021, 6 Anna F. Litvina, Fjodor B. Uspenskij Anthroponymical Embodiment of Family Unity in Medieval Rus’ 77-97
2021, 6 Elena E. Seregina, Olga A. Matveeva Pragmatics of Church Slavonic Language’s Pronouns in Standard Russian 98-111
2021, 6 Andrej A. Akulov “Songs of the Soul”: the Novel “Humiliated and Insulted” by F. M. Dostoevsky in the Language of the Musical “Vladimirskaya Square” 112-127
2021, 5 Olga V. Antonova The Initial Phoneme /j/ in Russian Language in the Forms of Personal Pronouns im, imi, ikh (‘them’) 7-21
2021, 5 Elena L. Berezovich, Valeria S. Kuchko Where Did Mushrooms Come From in Figure Skating: On Motivational Interpretation of the Russian Jargon Griby ‘Undeservedly High Scores’ 22-39
2021, 5 Elizaveta S. Gromenko New Compounds with Corona- and Covid- in Russian Language (Word-Formation and Normative Aspects) 40-54
2021, 5 B. L. Iomdin, Dmitry A. Morozov Who Can Understand “Dunno”? Automatic Assessment of Text Complexity in Children’s Literature 55-68