Year / Number Authors Title Pages
2021, 4 Olga E. Frolova Speech Aggression and Reaction to It 45-60
2021, 4 Elena L. Berezovich On the Russian Folk Gemonymy: Tal’yan 61-76
2021, 4 Leonid P. Krysin The Nineteenth Century and Present Time: The Comparison of Foreign Language Influence on the Russian language 77-84
2021, 4 Andrei V. Rastyagaev, Julia V. Slozhenikina On the Origin of the Term Krilatye Slova (Winged Words) in Russian 85-96
2021, 4 Irina A. Marinchenko, Elena V. Vasil’eva “Taiga Surprises” in Children's Prose by Mikhail Demenok 97-107
2021, 4 Natalia A. Nikolina, Zoya Yu. Petrova Figurative Field «Music» in the Novel «Brisbane» by E. Vodolazkin 108-119
2021, 4 Oleg V. Nikitin Slavic-Russian Paleography as an Art (On a New Book by L. P. Zhukovskaya) 120-128
2021, 3 Maria M. Voznesenskaya Quote Big Brother from the Novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell: Translation and Functioning in Russian 7-18
2021, 3 Dmitry G. Demidov, Yu Tzu-Lan How Were Nonsuffixal Nouns Such as Призыв, Разгар, Отрыв Formed? A Dicussion Focuses on Direct- and Back-Formation 19-30
2021, 3 Anna V. Zanadvorova Diabetichka vs. Idiotka. Feminitives Formed from the Names of Illnesses: Features of Semantics and Pragmatics 31-46
2021, 3 Yuliya V. Zvereva “Know Your Ryamki”: Words with the Root Ryam-/Rem- in the Russian Dialects of the Perm Region 47-59
2021, 3 Yi Liqun Metaphorical Reinterpretation of Trendy Words (On the Material of Russian and Chinese Languages) 60-66
2021, 3 Anna S. Kuleva, Larisa L. Shestakova Substandard Lexis in the Dynamics of Its Dictionary Description 67-82
2021, 3 Alexander V. Petrov, Ekaterina V. Vinogradova The Functioning of the Word-Combinations with the Firebird Component in Modern Russian 83-90
2021, 3 Raisa I. Rozina The Giant of Propaganda, or Stalin’s Rhetoric 91-103
2021, 3 Elena V. Uchaikina Priemnyi Pokoi and Priemnoe Otdelenie. To the History of Nomenclature Units 104-113
2021, 3 Irina P. Chernousova A City in the Epic Tale Picture of the World 114-128
2021, 2 Irina A. Veschikova Journalistic Style in the Modern Language Situation 7-19
2021, 2 Alexander B. Letuchiy I Wanted to Wash Myself – Syntax of Russian Reflexive Verbs in Spoken Language 20-34
2021, 2 Tatiana S. Sadova, Dmitrii V. Rudnev Official Language: “How Stuffy!” 35-43